Skin care ingredients are what causes most clogged skin pores. Choosing natural or synthetic solve a lot of other skin care problems. Knowing the causes will help you know the correct solutions.
- Facts About Skincare Products
Petrolatum, mineral oil and other ingredients are classified as comedogenic. The classification is less common today, because cosmetic companies convinced dermatologists that new formulations did not produce plugging of the pilosebaceous unit, otherwise known as your pores.
The term comedogenic was more commonly used in the 1970s and 1980s. Dermatologists convinced cosmetic companies to include the non-comedogenic or comedogenic labels in order to help acne sufferers identify products that could be used without aggravating their problem.
It all sounds a bit political. Cosmetics can still clog the pores and cause the inflammation that leads to acne, but now the condition is usually referred to as low-grade folliculitis; inflammation of the hair-producing follicles.
- Facts About Your Pores
We have two basic kinds of pores. One kind of pore contains the hair follicle and leads up from the sebaceous gland. Sebum, a kind of fatty wax, is produced by the sebaceous glands to lubricate the hair and the skin. Sweat glands may also empty into this kind of pore.
The second type of pore is simpler. The only secretion from it is perspiration.
- ·How the Pores Become Plugged
Either type of pore can become clogged with dirt or the salt found in perspiration. Sebum can combine with dead skin cells to clog the openings. The petrolatum and mineral oil mentioned above can combine with dead skin cells, colorings, minerals or other substances to create a plug.
- · Why Clogged Pores Are Bad
- · An Uncommon Cause of Clogged Pores
Although it is uncommon, it is worth mentioning. In some cases, the body produces excessive keratin, a structural protein found in all of the skin's outer cells. The excess keratin can form a plug that typically looks white or yellow in color.
This is not the same thing as a whitehead. What we refer to as a whitehead is an open comedone or pimple. A blackhead is a closed comedone. Those things are common.
The condition caused by the keratin plugs is called keratosis pilaris and is colloquially referred to as chicken skin. It is believed to be a genetic condition and is sometimes mistaken for acne.
Regardless of the cause or the type of pore involved, there are preventative measures and solutions for clogged pores. If you read my next article, you will learn all about the solutions and preventative measures.
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